Pet-a-Palooza in Las Vegas
2014 |
Yes, I know, I'm a few days late but I've had a sick puppy and kid. However, I did get a chance to go to my first ever Pet-A-Palooza. I took my daughter, my Rotti Bailey and my pug, Guinness. Bailey is still a puppy ( the one who has now eaten something and made herself sick) and Guinness is momma's boy. We rescued him from California. He's great around other people and dogs so I figured he would enjoy the time out.
First off, we made the mistake of parking on the opposite side of the park. Oops! If you've ever been to Vegas, or Sunset Park, its huge! So after a little walk, and a stop at the playground for little, we were well on our way. Mix 94.1 was there with a giant stage, we were greeted at the entrance. The Las Vegas Animal Foundation was doing complimentary microchips and there were vendors galore!
Guinness |
With all sorts of contraptions, leashes, toys and even a giant bounce house, I have to say that it is an event I will attend again. The best part for me was the fact they had a reptile stand. Apparently my daughter has an odd obsession with snakes and wants to see them all! I'm deathly afraid of them, but no, not her! So, once we find the snake tank, she looks at the little ones, notices a rattler and lets me know that they bite. Thank you honey, they do, so why are we so close!? Anyways, they have about a 6-7 foot long albino python out for show around one of the handlers, and of course, she wants to pet it. A snake, a 4 year old little girl that loves pink and dresses and ruffles, wants to pet a 6 foot snake. How can I say no?I was too afraid to take a picture, or we would have seen it right here, but I'm holding her while she gets to pet the snake. Made her day and the men were very nice and we went about our way, while she expressed her excitement for this snake.
Overall, we saw all different kinds of animals, snakes, dogs, pigs and even lions from the Lion Habitat. Adorable! I'd have to say it was great and the puppies seemed to enjoy it as well as Shaolin. Looking forward to next year. Here they are, passed out from excitement.