First Year Post Licensing for Real Estate

You heard it right. I finished my Post Licensing for Real Estate. One year, 30 hours. Seems easy enough, except that I waited until the VERY last minute, by minute, I mean the one week before it expired. I signed up for the full 30 week in one week\. It was brutal, and only because I still had to work my other job, luckily getting off at 8 am to make it to a 9 am class. Work and Education, and being a mom took it's toll over the week and needless to say, Sunday and Monday, I slept like there was no tomorrow.

Each class was an experience in itself. I felt like I've actually learned a ton more than I bargained for. Working with Buyers, Sellers, The Listing Process, Taxes, Property Management and the list goes on. I feel much more confident in my processes and I have to say, looking back, I really wish I would've done it sooner. Most of which would've come in handy in my daily life and transactions.  I also met some wonderful agents as well as teachers and professionals that share the same passion that I do.

Books from Class
Notes away and many books to read, I'm excited about continuing my part time love for homes. After all, home is where the heart is! 

And just because I'm so proud, here are the ba-zillion certificates for completing my Post Licensing. I'm only a little proud of myself! :)
For all questions and any real estate needs, please contact me below.


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