To Tint or not To Tint?

Now as an agent, a lot of times I get asked to find several things. Find a safe neighborhood, find energy efficient, privacy from other homes. (This one happens a little more because of our housing boom out here; homes are within 10 feet!). I get it all! I finally found a solution to all of these to ease the minds of my clients, tinting. 

Now it's safe to say, as long as your state allows, you've tinted you car windows. Privacy and in the summer, keeping that heat out. But, have you thought, maybe I should tint my house? I can safely say, it crossed my mind, even being an agent but I never REALLY looked into it. I wish I would have sooner. 

Over the last week, I had my personal residence tinted. The difference in one day, is night & day. My house felt cooler within hours in the middle of summer. Now if you live in Vegas, summers are excruciating, but most people don't think about this option. I'll say from my own personal experience, my husband and I reached out to someone that we know that has tinted our cars for a VERY long time. Every car I've ever had, he has tinted, same goes for my husband. Not just one or two but between the two of us, we like our toys and about 10-11 cars later, we decided why not try the house. 

Not only is it adding privacy, but it's helping decrease our energy bill. Again, in Vegas, this is something that doesn't come lightly. We want lower energy bills, especially in the summer and I'm not ready to spend $30,000 in solar just yet! According to Accentrick Tint, we can reduce our energy bills by up to 44% for the year! Who doesn't love being efficient and cost-effective!

Now on to my safety. They also offer a security tint. If you've never seen this, you need to look into it!  Here's a few positives:

•   Security tint prevents burglars from entering your home or office through the most vulnerable part of your building, which is the glass.
•   Reduces your monthly insurance rates.
•   Protects your assets, family from harm, and reduces your yearly energy bills.

So we've got energy reducing, privacy and safety all very cost effective! Like I mentioned, we had Accentrick Tint do our personal residence, he does our cars, and one day, if(and when) I get that big office building of my own, I'm have them do that as well. They offer vehicles, residential and commercial. I wouldn't sit here and brag about if I didn't actually try it out for myself and now that I have, I highly recommend reaching out to them! They do offer free estimates, so call today and get going.


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