Bringing Home Baby

Welcome Baby Skyler! 

It's been 10 days since my second little girl came into this world and were home! I must say, with an almost 6 year age gap between the two, I honestly forgot how much little sleep there is and how much I wouldn't get done. 

I was hoping only for a week hiatus and then get right back in the swing of things. Boy was I wrong! 10 days later, I'm almost feeling normal after some sleepless night and napping during the day. I finally have time to update this. With one in school already, this was a totally different experience and getting them both ready for the day. Granted, at 10  days, Skyler does sleep a TON, but never at the convenient time, i.e. getting Shaolin ready for school. Thankfully Shaolin is a little older and so much of a helper that I'm not sure how moms of more than one toddler survive. 

Bringing her home with two dogs was quite interesting. I feel as though we've been preparing our puppies for a few weeks. Set up a pack and play downstairs for them so they could smell it. I even played crying newborn videos from YouTube. None of it seemed to phase them, just look and continue playing. Until the day came... It's different when it's real life I suppose. We have a Rottweiler and Mastiff, Bailey & Moose ( fitting...). Bailey, is mother hen with Skyler, just as she does with Shaolin. She's a herder by nature and just wants to make sure everything is ok. Moose on the other hand, still a puppy, sniffed her baby butt and then went to play like nothing is going on.

As I type this up, I feel like my list of things is mounting up and I have so much to do. Work, house, clean, laundry but I always remember how fast this time goes. I have to stop and enjoy the precious tiny little girl that lays next to me right now. On that note, It may be just a week again before you hear from me, and hopefully by then, I'll have my schedule all figured out. In the meantime, enjoy life & loved ones! <3


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